/ Country Assistance Strategies Overview

DPG members’ key priority sectors in Tanzania

NB: The list is based on DPG members’ Country Assistance Strategy/Program (CAS/P) as of September 2021

Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) to Tanzania

This chart shows the overall received ODA from several development partners to Tanzania. The chart shows a summary overview, donor contribution matrix and the targeted sectors for the ODA.

NB: Current data is as of 2020-2021 averages unless stated otherwise:

Development partners engagement by sector

This chart shows the percentage distribution of each sector engagement based on how many development partners have committed to that specific sector. The governance sector has the highest number of development partners engagement (14) followed by women/youth economic development (13) and health (12)

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Development partners engagement by intended SDGs contributions

This chart shows the percentage distribution of intended SDG contributions by the DPs through their engagement and undertakings in the country. Development partners contributing to SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being are the highest (15) while those related to SDG 12 and SDG 14 are the lowest (2 each)

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Development partners engagement by intended beneficiaries

This chart shows the percentage distribution of intended beneficiaries through DPs engagement and undertakings in the country. It can be observed that most interventions are aimed at benefiting vulnerable communities and CSOs/NGOs

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