Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change Working Group
Building a coordinated development partner response to the Government’s Joint Assistance Strategy for Tanzania (JAST), within the overarching framework of the National Development Plan.

Working groups
- Agriculture
- Blue Economy
- Culture
- Disability Inclusion
- Education
- Energy and Minerals
- Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
- Gender Equality
- Governance
- Health
- Nutrition
- Poverty Monitoring
- Private Sector Development And Trade
- Public Finance and National Planning
- Science, Technology and Innovation
- Transport
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
About Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change Working Group
The Development Partners Group on Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change (DPG-E), was formally established in 2004 with the aim to build a coordinated development partner response to the Government’s Joint Assistance Strategy for Tanzania (JAST), within the overarching framework of the National Development Plan.
Over the years the nature and objectives of the DPGE have evolved, and today the DPGE provides a platform for DPs active in Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change to:
- Conduct a structured policy dialogue with the Government of Tanzania (GoT) and other stakeholders in related policy areas.
- Ensure coordination / harmonization of DPs projects and programmes.
- Promote joint advocacy and communication (versus GoT, DPG main and other stakeholders).
Within the Government of Tanzania (GoT) the DPG-E works closely with the Vice-President’s Office (VPO), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT) and the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development (MLFD).
The VPO is the core co-ordination body for the implementation of the Environmental Management Act (EMA) and the National Climate Change Strategy, while Natural Resources management is governed by the MNRT and fisheries policy by the MLFD. The DPG-E works also very closely with the Government of Zanzibar for all policy issues within its remit.
The DPG-E has also developed close contacts with other stakeholders, including NGOs, Private Sector and other community based organizations.

DPGE is organized into three main sub-groups structured to enhance in-depth discussions and dialogue on specific topics, to enhance cross learning and determine the best course of actions.
- Wildlife sub-group: promotes dialogue on policy issues related to wildlife conservation, including tourism, wildlife trade, anti-poaching, capacity building, but also engage with the government in planning and organizing key international and national events related to wildlife conservation.
- Forest sub-group: promotes dialogue on policy and technical issues related to forest conservation and management in Tanzania, including measures to address deforestation and illegal harvesting, tree planting and agro-forestry practices, biomass energy, value chain development and community-based forest management.
- Climate Change sub-group: promotes dialogue on policy and technical issues related to climate change, including international processes and decisions on climate change – on both mitigation and adaptation

Natural Resources Annual Review
The Annual Natural Resources Sector Review is a key element in the policy dialogue, coordination and planning in the Natural Resources Sector (Fisheries, Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries).
The review is carried out annually, facilitated by the Government of Tanzania – Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT) and Ministry of Livestock and fisheries Development (MLFD) in collaboration with Development Partners specifically the Group on Environment (DPGE).
The main objectives are:
i) Promote dialogue and Consultation on key issues with a wide range of stakeholders, including CSOs and Private sector;
ii) Jointly assess sectoral trends and main challenges;
iii) Discuss priority actions
iv) Generate inputs for the assessment of the Underlying Principles of the General Budget Support (GBS)
Contact information
Abdalla Shah, FCDO
Clara Makenya, UNEP
Faustine Ninga, UNDP
Key sector documents
- Government
- Natural Resources Annual Review
- Climate Change
- Natural Resources Management
- Environment
Useful links
- State House: President’s Official Website
- The Vice President’s Office (VPO)
- Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT)
- Ministry of Energy
- Ministry of Minerals
- Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MALF)
- Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MoWI)
- Ministry of Finance and Planning