About Agriculture Working Group

The Development Partners Agriculture Working Group (A-WG) is a group of nineteen (19) bilateral and multilateral agencies supporting the agriculture sector in Tanzania. The A-WG has been established to promote coherence and consistency in development assistance to agriculture through coordination of Development Partner’s support in the sector with a view of achieving harmonization, promoting coordinated policy dialogue and reducing transaction costs. Specifically, the A-WG supports the government of Tanzania’s implementation of the Agriculture Sector Development Strategy (ASDS) in achieving objectives stipulated in the second generation National Strategy for Growth and Poverty Reduction (NSGPR II), also known by its Swahili acronym as MKUKUTA II and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). These efforts are mainly funded through General Budget Support, the Agriculture Basket fund and projects (including technical assistance).

The A-WG is one of the sub-groups of the overall Development Partners Group (DPG). The group is organized around terms of references and a code of conduct agreed between government and DPs and is organized through a modified troika chairing structure. The chair, co-chair and secretariat act as the leaders of the group, with other DPs being either active or delegating members, in accordance with the division of labour outlined in the Joint Assistance Strategy for Tanzania (JAST). Currently the A-WG is chaired by WFP and co-chaired by IFAD. The secretariat is at WFP

The A-WG is involved in the sector dialogue with other stakeholders in a number of ways – through the annual Agriculture Sector Review (ASR/PER), the Annual ASDP Joint Implementation Reviews(JIR), Agriculture Sector Consultative group meetings, Quarterly ASDP Basket Fund Steering Committee Meetings and other various sub-groups specializing in specific thematic areas.

Contact information

Semaly Kisamo, USAID

Nyabenyi Tito Tipo, FAO

Junior Ndesanjo, USAID

Key sector documents
Useful links

Development Partners Projects/ Initiatives

Government Institutions

Private Sector Institutions

Research/ Academic Institutions