About Energy and Minerals Working Group

Formed in 2009 with the aim of supporting the Joint Assistance Strategy for Tanzania (JAST) under the National Development Framework; the Energy DPG (EDPG) is a key communication and facilitation unit for coordinating activities of Development Partners (DPs) involved in Tanzania’s energy sector — ToRs for Energy DPG. To date, EDPG’s capacity has expanded with more DPs supporting diverse energy and minerals sector projects, from rural electrification and renewable energy to capacity-building initiatives in the petroleum and natural gas subsectors under the Ministry of Energy (MoE), which is the main Government of Tanzania counterpart for EDPG.

The Energy Development Partners Group (EDPG) is comprised of bilateral and multilateral agencies with a strong interest in engaging in policy dialogue with the Government of Tanzania’s energy and extractives sector.

The Ed-DPG promotes coordination of the Development Partners’ activities to ensure the most efficient use of resources are provided to the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania to achieve the education objectives and priorities highlighted in the Tanzania Development Vision 2025, Five Year Development Plan (FYDP), Education and Training Policy (ETP), Education Sector Development Plan (ESDP), National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP), and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The group generally meets once per month, and is led by the presiding Ed-DPG Chair, UNICEF, supported by the Co-Chair, USAID. The group also has a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) subgroup currently chaired by KOICA with USAID as Co-Chair. The Chair/Co-Chair is rotated on an annual basis.


The EDPG comprises 17 bilateral and 5 multilateral development agencies

High Commission of Canada
Germany Embassy
Japan Embassy
Embassy of Netherlands
Embassy of Norway
SIDA/Swedish Embassy
Embassy of Russia
US Embassy
Korea Exim Bank
World Bank
Energy and Minerals Sector Participation

EDPG supports on-going and planned work under the Ministry of Energy and Minierals (MEM), in addition to facilitating key energy and minerals sector developments and research studies.

Joint Energy Sector Review

The Joint Energy Sector Review (JESR) is an important process for coordinating, planning and financing energy sector projects. Each year MEM partners with EDPG (ToRs for JESWG) and facilitates the JESR study and presentation workshop where various DPs, civil society organizations, private sector representatives, GoT agencies and other energy stakeholders are invited to engage on key policy issues and examine the progress and outlook of the energy sector.

Budget Support

EDPG in consultation with MEM utilizes the Budget Support (BS) instrument to make recommendations to the Minister of Finance on relevant energy sector targets and indicators, which feed into the overall Performance Assessment Framework (PAF).

National Electrification Program Prospectus

Led by the Rural Energy Agency (REA) with support from EDPG, the National Electrification Program Prospectus (Annexes) is a financial planning strategy used for identifying priority electrification investments, along with the regulatory framework, capacity building and timeline necessary for program implementation.

Sector Reform and Roadmap

MEM with support from DPs has taken steps to address the growing demand for electricity in the country by improving the performance and efficiency in the sector, which is needed to enable socio-economic transformation in the country. Through a consultative process, EDPG is supporting MEM to implement a sector reform strategy and roadmap. This exercise has involved several joint DP-MEM dialogues, a stakeholder discussion with the consulting team, and the drafting and presenting process. The process started more generally and focused on power reforms, then evolved to focus on specific issues in the provision of electricity services. The plan, Electricity Supply Industry Reform Strategy & Roadmap is a guiding tool for reforming both the sector as a whole and within individual institutions starting with the Tanzania Electricity Supply Company (TANESCO) Turnaround and financial stabilization.

Capacity Building Missions

EDPG supports a wide range of capacity building initiatives in the sector, from institutional support to the ministry and various sector agencies and the sector regulator Energy and Water Utilities  Regulatory Authority (EWURA), to technical assistance through support for transaction advisers to streamline project financing.

EDPG supports the coordination and integration of capacity development missions from various Development Partners, through dialogue with the Government of Tanzania (GoT), consulting technical experts and relevant public and private sectors stakeholders. For example, EDPG actively participates in capacity-building missions to observe and support the GoT ongoing key projects in the sector such as the Kinyerezi Gas to Power Plants Construction under TANESCO, and Natural Gas Pipeline Infrastructure Development under Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC)

Contact information

Ms. Nagaiwa, JICA

Abbas Kitogo, UNDP

Mohamed Ng’ing’ite

Key sector policies and strategies
Other sector documents