About Nutrition Working Group

The Development Partners Sub-Group on Nutrition (DPG-NUTRITION) was established in October 2010 to deal with specific issues related to nutrition and to ensure proper linkages with other sectors such as health, education, agriculture, water, sanitation and hygiene. The DPG nutrition will provide a forum for consultations and exchange of ideas and experiences between the different stakeholders involved in nutrition. The DPG nutrition will assist the Government of Tanzania to move towards a nutrition sector-wide approach at subnational levels, and to monitor sector performance and output of reform activities regarding nutrition status improvement.

The DPGN was established to support the Government of Tanzania in its efforts to achieve the objectives of the National Food and Nutrition Policy, National Multisectoral Nutrition Plan (NMNAP) (previously the National Nutrition Strategic Plan (NNSP)), and the nutrition-related objectives in the FYDP. To ensure coordination with DPG Main, as well as other sub-groups of DPG-Main, DPG-N shall:

  • Update the DPG on the progress of the implementation of the NMNAP and other issues regarding Nutrition. This will be achieved through a regular report circulated in advance to DPG meetings, and attendance by at least one leader of the DPG-Nutrition at each regular DPG meeting.
  • Promote consensus on issues relating to Nutrition in both process and content terms and coordinate collective responses by the DPG to the Government in issues regarding Nutrition. • Represent the collective views and position of the DPG in Government fora.
Contact information

Patrick Codjia, UNICEF

Theresia Jumbe, HKI

Margaret Benjamin, UNICEF

Key sector documents