Blue Economy Working Group
Established in May 2022 to build a coordinated and integrated development partner response to the Government’s targeted efforts on the BE development, within the overarching framework of the National Development Plans of both Zanzibar and Tanzania.

Working groups
- Agriculture
- Blue Economy
- Culture
- Disability Inclusion
- Education
- Energy and Minerals
- Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
- Gender Equality
- Governance
- Health
- Nutrition
- Poverty Monitoring
- Private Sector Development And Trade
- Public Finance and National Planning
- Science, Technology and Innovation
- Transport
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
About Blue Economy Working Group
The Development Partners Group on Blue Economy (the DPG-BE) was formally established in May 2022 with the aim to build a coordinated and integrated development partner response to the Government’s targeted efforts on the BE development, within the overarching framework of the National Development Plans of both Zanzibar and Mainland Tanzania. For Zanzibar this entails the Zanzibar Development Plan (ZADEP), which specifically targets BE for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development. For mainland Tanzania BE falls under the scope of the Five Years Development Plan III (FYDP III) which also focuses on intensification of the blue economy potentials in both marine and fresh waters including sector priorities such as freshwater fishing, sea and deep-sea fishing, aquaculture, marine and freshwater conservation.

The BE is multi-sectoral and represents all those sustainable socio-economic activities across a wide range of sectors related to the use of oceans, seas, coasts and fresh waters to improve livelihoods and to create jobs while preserving the health and biodiversity of the natural ecosystem and promoting sustainable use and management of natural wealth resources for the socio-economic wellbeing for the people of Tanzania. Hence, the DPG-BE is established to achieve the overarching sustainable development aspirations through the objectives detailed below.
Objectives of the DPG-BE
- To support the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania (URT) in achieving its goals and targets in the BE, as stated in governmental and planning and development strategies and frameworks (FYDP III & ZADEP);
- To conduct a structured policy dialogue process with the URT in the areas of the BE development, involving other stakeholders as deemed necessary;
- To enhance coherence, consistency, predictability and visibility of DP’s support to BE development in Tanzania;
- To support analysis and research to facilitate learning and close knowledge gaps, and to review and provide technical inputs in various government BE documents including reports, policies and strategies, as well as enhance decision-making on areas in the Blue Economy.
- To support monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the implementation of the BE strategies and actions.
- To facilitate South-South, South-North and regional exchange and cooperation in terms of innovations and best practices such as knowledge exchange, technology transfer, gender equality and human rights.
- To facilitate joint advocacy and communication with the URT, DPG main and other stakeholders, including civil society, communities and the private sector.
Membership of the DPG is open to any bilateral or multilateral partner that provides development assistance to the United Republic of Tanzania in areas of Blue economy development. The secretariat will maintain a list of members and update it on a regular basis.
Contact information
Shigeki Komatsubara, UNDP
Alternative chair:
Ambrose Mugisha, UNDP
Jolson Masaki, UNDP