About Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Working Group

The Development Partner Group for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (DPG-WASH) has been operational since 2005 with agreed Terms of Reference under the Development Partner Group. This DPs group supporting the water sector currently consists of bilateral and multilateral agencies and donors.

DPG WASH aims to enhance the Development Partners harmonization, support the implementation of the Sector Wide Approach SWAp and promote Government leadership. The DPG-WASH enhances dialogue between the Government of Tanzania and the Development Partners by providing a united DP voice on Water Sector Development rather than a potentially diverse set of individual views

Subsequently to the above the DPG WASH purpose and objective are;

1. Promote coherence and consistency in development assistance to the Water Sector in support of the National Water Sector Development Strategy (NWSDS) and Water Sector Development Programme (WSDP) through the coordination and effective use of the DP’s support

2. Support the Government to achieve the objective of NWSDS, MKUKUTA and the WSDP, launched in early 2007.

The DPG Water has its Secretariat housed at the GIZ office, Third floor, Isimani Street Upanga in Dar es Salaam. P. O. Box 1519, Tel: +255 767 218 091.

Contact information

Ruth Kennedy-Walker, World Bank

Justus Rwetabula, AfDB

Nsaa-Iya Amaniel Kihunrwa

Sector documents