Poverty Monitoring Working Group
Stimulating a better-informed debate about growth and poverty among key stakeholders involved, this by facilitating analytical work and actively disseminating research findings and related policy implications.

Working groups
- Agriculture
- Blue Economy
- Culture
- Disability Inclusion
- Education
- Energy and Minerals
- Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
- Gender Equality
- Governance
- Health
- Nutrition
- Poverty Monitoring
- Private Sector Development And Trade
- Public Finance and National Planning
- Science, Technology and Innovation
- Transport
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
About Poverty Monitoring Working Group
The objective of the Poverty Monitoring Group is to stimulate a better-informed debate about growth and poverty among key stakeholders involved, this by facilitating analytical work and actively disseminating research findings and related policy implications. The rationale for the group lies in promoting systematic and higher-level involvement of a broader group of stakeholders in analysis and debate to improve the design and effective implementation of pro-poor growth strategies. Detailed information about the objectives, scope and organisation of the Poverty Monitoring Group can be found in the ToR below

Contact information
Prosper Charles, AfDB
Ambrose Mugisha, UNDP
Key sector documents
Poverty monitoring