Gender Equality Working Group
Supporting the Government of Tanzania (GoT) and other key actors in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE) to achieve the gender related results identified in national policies and strategies.

Working groups
- Agriculture
- Blue Economy
- Culture
- Disability Inclusion
- Education
- Energy and Minerals
- Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
- Gender Equality
- Governance
- Health
- Nutrition
- Poverty Monitoring
- Private Sector Development And Trade
- Public Finance and National Planning
- Science, Technology and Innovation
- Transport
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
About Gender Equality Working Group
The Development Partners Group on Gender Equality (DPG GE) was established in 2007 to support the Government of Tanzania (GoT) and other key actors in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE) to achieve the gender related results identified in national policies and strategies.
At policy level, this requires working in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MHCDGEC) and Ministry of Labour, Empowerment, Elderly, Youth, Women and Children (MLEEYWC), the Gender Machineries in Mainland and Zanzibar mandated with the overall responsibility of coordinating gender issues. At the implementation level, it will require close collaboration and linkage with strategic stakeholders such as: Gender Mainstreaming Working Group-Macro Policy (GMWG-MP) and Gender Mainstreaming Technical Working Group (GMTWG), National Women Rights Organizations (WROs), Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), private sector and other Sector Working Groups (SWGs).

The objective of the DPG-GE is to support the enhancement of GEWE among Development Partners and other relevant stakeholders that work towards advancing an inclusive development in Tanzania that is grounded in gender equality. The DPG-GE will work to ensure that development assistance provided to Government of Tanzania, CSOs and the private sector is gender responsive, contributes to the achievement of the national development agenda and is based on international instruments and best practices in GEWE.
Membership in the DPG GE is open to all bilateral and multilateral development partners that work towards the achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment in Tanzania.
Contact information
Chiara Guidetti, EU
Miranda Armstrong, UNICEF (Incoming Chair)
Outgoing chair:
Taslim Madhani, Canada
Neema Meremo, UNFPA