Public Finance and National Planning Working Group
The main strategic document outlining PFNP reforms is the Public Finance Management Reform Program, PFMRP. Its sixth phase was launched in 2022/23 and a basket is set up to support the implementation of the reforms.
Working groups
- Agriculture
- Blue Economy
- Culture
- Disability Inclusion
- Education
- Energy and Minerals
- Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
- Gender Equality
- Governance
- Health
- Nutrition
- Poverty Monitoring
- Private Sector Development And Trade
- Public Finance and National Planning
- Science, Technology and Innovation
- Transport
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
About Public Finance and National Planning Working Group
The PFNP DPG is dealing with Public Finance Management (PFNP). It is a subgroup under Cluster working group 4. PFNP DPG is currently chaired by Norway and co-chaired by the EU and supported by the PFNP DPG secretariat and housed by the Ministry of Finance/Norway.
The main strategic document outlining PFNP reforms is the Public Finance Management Reform Program, PFMRP. Its sixth phase was launched in 2022/23 and a basket is set up to support the implementation of the reforms. The program is result-driven based on a solid M and E framework (PFMRP V Strategic document). For all development partners interested in PFNP reforms please contact the PFNP DPG secretariat.
The PFNP DPG interfaces with the Government on various levels. There is a PFMRP secretariat within the Ministry of Finance. The PFMRP Joint Steering Committee (JSC), is called by the Government of Tanzania, chaired by the Permanent Secretary Treasury/ Deputy Permanent Secretary for PFM reforms and co-chaired by the Chair of the PFNPDPG.
Contact information
Sector documents
Public finance and national planning